Saturday, March 7, 2020

Homeopathic remedy for to prevent corona virus

Studies on Justicia adhatoda from Dr. William Bœricke’s Materia Medica, Dr. S. C. Ghose’s Drugs of Hindoostan and the CCRH website – revealed the medicine Justicia adhatoda.

Dr. Bœricke and Dr. Ghose advised the administration of q, 3x, 6x; and q, respectively; whereas CCRH recommended 6x potency. On the unavailability of 3x and 6x, I opted to administer 30c. Justicia 30 was administered – 4 globules 4 times daily as a ‘remedy’ for 7 days and 95% cases were cured of their symptoms.

Justicia 30 was given as a ‘preventive’ to others and the family members of the patients; and it yielded good result. Dr. George Royal and Dr. Selden Haines Talcott advised that administration of the remedy as a ‘preventive’ should be continued till the appearance of the symptoms of the medicine.

I, myself took Justicia adhatoda 30 as a preventive from August 7, 2009 and stopped the day before on August 15, 2009 – on the appearance of sneezing and running nose.

In the CCRH website, the symptoms of Justicia adhatoda (by Homœopathic Pathogenetic Trial) are

Justicia adhatoda Linn. (Vasaka)

Common Name : Vasaka
Sanskrit : Baidyamata, Vasaka
Hindi : Arusha
English : Malabar nut
Family : Acanthaceæ
Homœopathic uses:
Homœopathic proving and clinical verifications have brought out good number of symptoms of upper respiratory tract.

Rhinitis: Fluent profuse coryza from nose with constant sneezing. Nose is swollen with sense of obstruction. There is loss of taste & smell. Throat, mouth & tongue all feel dry. Tongue is coated white.

Cough: Paroxysms of cough with suffocation & rattling in chest followed by vomiting. Expectoration bloody. Cough Particularly worse at night.

Potency:- 6X

Conclusion: – Thus, here, I can conclude that H1N1 Flu can be well prevented by Justicia adhatoda 30c; though it requires more clinical verification.


Bœricke, Dr. William – Homœopathic Materia Medica.
Ghose, Dr. Sarat Chandra – Drugs of Hindoostan.

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